Down the Aisle: Buzz + Andre

You know you're in for a treat when the bride's nickname is Buzz! Being in residency in NYC, she's crazy busy, so her dad did most of the wedding planning, and I didn't get much interaction with Buzz until I walked in Saturday morning and introduced myself. I was immediately smitten and instantly knew the day would be a blast. And wouldn't you know, I was right! Then I met Andre and I thought—how does this keep getting even more awesome? What a gorgeous couple! And so in love. When you look at the photos you can tell they were radiating joy all day long. An adventurous gal myself, I was fascinated to learn that Buzz climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro with her brother and dad. (It's on my list!) And later in the evening, after a first dance that was too smooth for words, I found out that Andre, a scientist who's originally from Jamaica, was a professional ballroom dance instructor in college. Because—of course he was. He's fascinating and talented like that. See what I mean? Spending the day with these two and their families was like much needed medicine for my heart. Thank you all!